New Divide

Ever since the stone age, man has been trying to modernize himself, his resources and his people. Equipment as simple as tools for cutting and hunting were state of the art at that time. But due to the vulnerable nature of mankind, we always stayed in a group. Be it family, community, tribe and it goes on to civilizations.

The necessity of man to have an audience for everything gave rise to social norms and boundaries. Steadily we grew defining our needs with relationships, a family, a society, a culture and a civilization.

When we observe the genetic code of any living organism, it’s programmed to perform a specific task. The best examples are ants, mosquitoes and bees. They have an incredibly short span of life, but all of them perform a specific task which is hardwired in their genetic code. The purpose of all living organisms is to find food, shelter and mate to reproduce. All living organisms follow this rule. The ones who fail end up getting extinct. That may be because of their intrinsic coping mechanisms or external factors.

But when it comes to human beings, we have a complex code. We live complex lives. We can shape our lives, the way we want it. Our basic instincts are obscured with modernization, cultural norms, environmental influences. But the most recent one is our affinity towards a digital life. We care about what our image is on the net. We have developed a pseudo identity, which sadly is a reality for most. They live for this image, all acts finally end up to show irrelevant people how colourful their lives are, or how melancholic they feel. They have followers, they have fan pages, but in reality they’re hollow and alone.

What we are forgetting here is the human touch. Today, one can literally do everything by just sitting comfortably in his chair. We are worried about our digital relationships than real ones. It is very difficult to find good friends, share time with them. We have moved to such a shallow lifestyle that we’ve lost sympathy and empathy. Just posting for something doesn’t mean we care.

This New Divide caused by our modern, sophisticated and digital life has already damaged us enough. The time has come when even physical way of expression will be done with the help of technology. We look out for happiness in it, where as it just leaves us hollow and empty.

It’s not too late, to start living a real life. In these modern times technology is important, but it’s not everything. If we keep ignoring our basic instincts, one day we will lose it. Explore this endangered trait which really makes us humans. Let’s not let the New Divide split our lives and turn us into machines. Get out and meet people, make new friends, bring back the human touch.

Learn to live, not just survive.

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